Sunday, December 30, 2012

DIY Recycled Mini Candles

I can't tell you how many times I've thrown away a jar candle that still had a ton of wax in it. Once the wick is gone there's really nothing you can do with it and it just seems like such a waste! This year for Christmas I decided to repurpose some of my old holiday candles- but these would make a lovely little present any time of the year!

-Waxed candle wicks with a base (try any craft store)
-Glass baby food jars or glass shot glasses (no plastic!!) - I especially love the baby food jars because I think they look like miniature Yankee Candles.
-Old candles you want to recycle (preferably with scents that will smell nice together)
-Hot glue gun & glue (optional)
-A double boiler/ Oven & pot/ Electric kettle and bowl.. a way to melt the wax
-Decorations (stickers, buttons, ribbon etc)

Step One:
-Make sure your candle holder is CLEAN.. really important especially if you used baby food jars. Goo-Gone does the trick for removing the label.
-Using either a hot glue gone or a little melted wax, secure the bottom of the wick to the bottom of the jar. (I just used a dab of wax)

Step Two:
-Melt the wax you wish to recycle -pretty much any way you want to double boil it. I used my electric kettle to boil up some water, poured it in a bowl, and then placed the candle in the bowl. The candle will float, but still be careful not to get any of the water in the wax. It melted very quickly and evenly.  Just be careful- when glass become too hot it shatters!!

Step Three:
-Using an oven-mitt to handle the candle (the glass will be SUPER hot)- pour the wax into the baby food jars/ shot glasses... be careful not to pour wax on top of the wick! Fill to desired height.

Step Four:
-Wait for previous layer to dry
-Repeat with as many candles as you like, making a striped motif of wonderful colors and scents!
-Make sure to leave room at the top (you don't want an overflowing jar) and trim the wick before lighting!

Step Five:
-Decorate! Remember baby food jars have lids too :)

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